Fighting resistance
I’ve just begun to read a book that I had recommended by a group of bloggers. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield aims to help readers overcome resistance so they can become who they are meant to be and achieve “the unlived life within.”
Resistance follows us everywhere we go, doesn’t it? If we want to learn something new, resistance tells us we don’t have the time to learn it or the intelligence to master it. If we want to lose weight or start an exercise program, resistance tells us it will be too hard or we can start tomorrow. And on. And on.
Overcoming resistance for scrapbook bloggers is a two-step dance. We have to overcome our own resistance at pulling out our photos and supplies and creating a project. Then we have to scan or photograph the final project and write about it for our readers. We can successfully win over our resistance on step one and still be bitten by the second step!
So, what do we do about it? To kick resistance, Pressfield stresses loving what one does, having patience and acting in the face of fear.
I will be back to write more about the advice in this book once I’ve finished it. I just thought I would share a little info about it now for my scrappy/blogging friends who are struggling with overcoming their own resistance and might find it helpful.
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