The story
Because I am over-the-top allergic to poison ivy, Matt always points it out to me when we’re near it and makes sure I don’t get close. But we like to have a somewhat wild back yard because it attracts more animal life, so we tend to also get an occasional overgrowth of the stuff.
Last July we had a lot of poison ivy in our back yard. A lot. Matt decided it was time to pull it all up, so he went to the hardware store and bought this painter’s onesie—with hood and shoe covers—to protect himself for the task.
I love this dork.
Product/technique notes
I created this page for the 5 Ingredients Challenge during the Victoria Marie August online crop, which called for using patterned paper, chipboard stickers/die cuts, fibers (I used twine), textured element (I used a cork arrow), and frames or pockets. I used products from the Echo Park Jungle Safari collection.
I also followed this PageMaps sketch: