Happy new year!
Wow, I took a little longer break from my blog than I had anticipated. First, I had a thousand little things to do to be ready for Christmas. Fun stuff. Stuff I love to do…shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking…the usual. But while we were happily engaged in all this Matt came down with a cold. A really nasty lay-you-out-flat kind of virus. Poor boy was sick through Christmas.
Then he gave it to me. Hard to avoid, really. So I spent the week between Christmas and the end of the year being laid out flat. Then as fate would have it I gave the damn thing right back to my dear man. So we spent New Year’s Eve being miserable together. Woo hoo!
But I am officially stoked about 2011. I have big plans for the next 364 days. More about that later. For now let’s savor another opportunity for new beginnings.
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