I recently decided that because I’m enjoying blogging so much I want to commit more to it. I want to post more often and consistently, and I want to improve on the quality of my posts’ value to my readers. Et cetera.
I just love how after making a decision of this type—even if it’s not that conscious a decision at first—we set our internal filters to assist us in finding what we need to make it happen. So, because I knew I wanted to do something to kick up my blogging a few notches, when I heard about Shimelle Laine’s “Blogging for Scrapbookers” class I immediately recognized the value it could have to my goals and enrolled.
Today is the first day of this three-week online class, and the first assignment is to write about my intentions for the class and my blog. As I said at the beginning of this entry, I want to post more consistently. For instance, I plan to come up with blog topic areas and claim certain days of the week or month for them. You see this all over the craft blogosphere, with names like “Make It Monday,” “Tutorial Tuesday,” or “Watch It Wednesday.” The reason I haven’t scheduled this way for myself is a lack of willingness to openly commit to a schedule I wasn’t certain I would be creative enough to keep (this requires a lot of content creation and discipline). But telling the world you’re disciplined is the first step to being disciplined. So here’s to step one.
I also want to create the kind of content that will inspire comments and interaction from my readers. So I’m on a quest to figure out what that takes.
Mostly I believe that pushing myself to record my memories, think “aloud” publicly, pass on tips and trends when I find them and share my paper-crafting efforts is a fabulous stretch for my creative brain. I want to really flex during this blogging class and hope you’ll enjoy following along.
Hello and welcome to my new readers who have found me because we’re classmates in Shimelle’s course. Thank you so much for coming here, and I’ll be by your blog soon! 🙂
Hi! I popped over from Shimelle’ s to have a nosey 🙂
I was really interested in your post on Android camera apps – thanks for that! I have an HTC Desire – I’m definitely going to try out some of those effects. Looking forward to blogging along with you. D x
Hi Donna, and thanks for visiting! I’ll be heading your way in a little bit. I’m happy to hear that you found value in my Android apps post. I hope you enjoy those cameras because they’re lots of fun! In fact, I’m going to post a layout soon that uses some of the shots I took the other day with the Retro Camera. Have a lovely day, and happy blogging! 🙂 ~Janice
Great post! I love understanding the motivations behind why people write and what they want to do with their blogs. How cool that there’s a scrapbooking blogging class!
Thanks, Katie! I know you understand the value of stating your intentions to reaching objectives. I feel really fortunate to have found this class at just the time I needed it! It will be challenging keeping up, but I’m really looking forward to it. Thanks for reading!