Matt has taught me to be an animal rescuer. He grew up in a family that over the years rescued at least one of just about every type of animal that was loaded onto Noah’s ark. So I’ve become quite sensitized to noticing wildlife in need or in danger, and I kick into action quickly.
The other night I went out late to take a few photos of the beautiful full moon. As I was setting up my shot I perceived something in my peripheral vision that startled me. We live on a rather busy street in suburbia, so it was a huge surprise to see a tarantula crossing the street toward me!
I ran into the house and screamed, “There’s a tarantula crossing the street right out front!”
It took a few seconds for what I said to register with Matt, but then he ran out the door while I ran in to find an empty jar to catch him* with. When I returned Matt was “escorting” him to safety before more cars came by. We caught him with the jar and put him in a small terrarium we have from a time when we used to keep Emperor scorpions several years ago (a gift from one of Matt’s employees, no less).
The next day we drove our new friend at least 10 miles out of town, deep down a nice unpopulated country road. We found a perfect spot and tipped him out of the terrarium and into his new neighborhood.
So, maybe he wasn’t really wicked at all, but his timing was certainly impeccable!
*In point of fact, we never determined the sex of our tarantula friend. We decided to respect “his” privacy.
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