Are you a fan of the mustache trend that’s been surging through the design world? I personally think it’s charming, even though I haven’t yet done anything with it. But with Father’s Day coming this weekend I started daydreaming about mustache projects, which led me to a search for online mustache tutorials. Oh. My. Cute.
Below I have pulled together a list of some really clever and easy mustache-themed tutorials for you. What is it that makes fake mustaches so giggle-worthy? I don’t rightly know the answer to that, but I aim to make some of these projects and find out!
The Etsy Blog Mustache Drink Topper
Love Stitched Mustache Mirror Tutorial
Swanky Press Mustache Bash Favor Bag
Cheddar Guppies Mustaches on Sticks
Finley & Oliver Mustache Applique Tutorial
Agape Love Sequin Mustache Bib Necklace Tutorial
Baby Food Scoops Mustache Glass Tutorial cute.. 🙂